Patient Stories


Each story is different, but all share a common message: heart recovery is possible. Learn more about the people who returned home with their native hearts.



Stories of Heart Recovery


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The Day an EMT Faced Her Own Emergency and How a Tiny Pump Helped Save Her Life

A week after her heart attack, Joella Bobak was able to walk out of the hospital and go home with her own, recovered heart.

Autocross Racer Back in the Driver’s Seat Following Heart Attack

The next day, the Impella® heart pump was removed and Dan Wolpert walked out of the hospital nine days later.

Impella® Heart Pump Helps Give New Mexico Guardsman a Second Chance at Life

After several days, Impella 2.5® heart pump was removed, and Jay Sanchez's heart was strong enough to function without mechanical support.

Marine Back To Running and Spending Precious Time With Family

While out for a run, Jeff Fisher remembers feeling serious pain on his left side

Hope in the Heart of Texas

Justin Redman feared undergoing yet another procedure, then he was introduced to Protected PCI with Impella®.

A Complete Recovery for a Young Mother’s Heart

After two days, Cecy Wells’s heart recovered, the Impella® heart pump was removed and Cecy no longer had any symptoms of heart failure

Dr. Thom Dahle Shares the Story of His Father, Tory Dahle

Tory Dahle benefited from Protected PCI with the Impella CP® heart pump.

Surgeons Turned Bobby Freeman Down for Open Heart Surgery Because He Was Too High Risk

After his Protected PCI procedure, Bobby remained on Impella® support for four days until his heart was strong enough to function on its own and Impella was removed.

Young Athlete’s Heart Recovers Following Cardiac Arrest During Workout

Though his doctors initially thought Tim Deits may need to receive a heart transplant, his heart recovered well enough to avoid it.

Physician Babu Eladasari Recovers After Experiencing Cardiogenic Shock

A little over two weeks later, Dr. Eladasari was discharged home with his native heart and normal heart function.

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