Patient Stories


Each story is different, but all share a common message: heart recovery is possible. Learn more about the people who returned home with their native hearts.



Stories of Heart Recovery


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Impella® Heart Pump Enables Heart Recovery in Lucerne Patient

Because of the Impella heart pump, Anneke and her husband are back to enjoying cycling and going on holiday.

Mother of Two Survives Heart Attack

After two days of support, the Impella® heart pump was removed and Jennifer Guess was discharged home days later. 

Enjoying Life in Berlin Again Thanks to the Impella® Heart Pump

Franziska Bleis recovered from myocarditis with the support of Impella heart pumps.

After Being Turned Down for Surgery, John Fisher Was Introduced To Protected PCI

Today, John’s heart function is normal (55%) and he has more energy than he’s had in years. He’s able to walk his dogs, continue his passion for woodworking and enjoy time with his family.

Rosie Coleman Survives Post-Cardiotomy Cardiogenic Shock  

After three days on support, Rosie’s condition improved and the Impella heart pump was removed.

Naval Officer Survives Cardiac Arrest

While getting ready for work, Ramon Rinkin suddenly collapsed in his bathroom and went into cardiac arrest.

Physicians and Impella® Help Recover Father’s Heart in Japan

Tatsuya Hamano is now back to work and enjoys a healthier lifestyle with his family after recovering from cardiomyopathy.

From COVID-19 to Heart Recovery, Kerri Bryles Is Back To Being Herself

Kerri, a 45-year-old wife, mother, and pharmacist always led a healthy lifestyle but after four negative COVID-19 test results, Kerri tested positive.

Mom of Two and Avid Tennis Player Recovers From Cardiomyopathy

Though Jentry Workman was considered for a heart transplant, her condition began to improve within a few days after the Impella® heart pump was implanted.

Father Back With His Family After Collapsing on a Run

Israel Contreras was discharged home within two weeks with normal heart function.

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